How to Set Up Ninja Forms and WP E-Signature

Automatically collect digital signatures on contracts after a Ninja Form submission using's WP E-Signature. 

A WP E-Signature Elite or Lifetime license is required in order to integrate with Ninja Forms and collect a legally binding, UETA/ESIGN compliant signature.

1. Download and install the required plugins

Before you can start collecting legally binding signatures with WP E-Signature + Ninja Forms, you'll need to make sure you have the following plugins installed and activated: 

2. Create a stand alone document

Hover over E-Signature > Add New Document > Stand Alone Document.

Give your document a title > type or paste in your general document content. 

3. Insert Ninja Forms data into the document

In this step, you have the ability to add fields that will later populate data that was submitted in the form into your document. If you don't want form data to populate into your document, move to step 4.

If you'd like to add Ninja Forms data, select the Signer Input Field icon (pencil icon) > select Ninja Forms Data.

Using the dropdown menu, select your desired Ninja Form > Next Step > select your desired form field or insert all fields > choose your desired display option > Add to Document.

A shortcode will be generated as a placeholder for each field and the actual values will be displayed once the form is submitted.

The field will look like this in your document: [esigninja formid="61" field_id="330" display="label_value" ]

You can move these shortcodes anywhere in your contract to display the user’s submitted data wherever the shortcode is located.

4. Choose your document options and save settings

After you have entered all of your desired content and Ninja Forms fields, you are ready to configure your document options.

Add any document options that you desire like activating signing reminders, adding a custom message to the confirmation email, etc.

The only document option that is required is assigning the stand alone document to an existing page using the Display on this page dropdown or creating a new WP page for this document. 

When your document options are completed, publish your document and select Let's Go Now to finish the workflow settings.

5. Finish configuring the E-Signature Ninja Forms workflow settings

If you selected Let's Go Now, you’re already on the correct page. If you didn’t, you can visit Ninja Forms > find your form > Settings > Emails and Actions > E-Signature settings.

Use the blue plus sign on the bottom right of the page to add an E-Signature workflow and select the gear icon to open the E-Signature workflow settings.

Select the hamburger menu in the name and email fields to add the NF fields to these cells > choose your signing logic >  choose your stand alone document. 

Lastly, make sure you have an active Store Submission processor enabled in your Ninja Form’s Emails & Action settings. Your form will not trigger the document properly if you don’t have one active.

Store Submission option

6. Submit your form and sign a test document

Place your Ninja Form on a WordPress page or visit it in preview mode > fill it in (just like a signer would) > submit it to trigger and sign a test document.

Want to check out a live E-Signature Ninja Forms demo? Check out ours here!

Still have questions? Connect with a support hero.