Server Requirements
Before your install WP E-Signature, you should check out our server requirements below!
- PHP 7.4 or greater
- GD Library
- 96 MB Memory Limit
- Plugin Directory Needs to be Writable
- MBString Multibyte Support
- allow_url_fopen PHP setting
- BCMath enabled
- MySQL 5.6 or greater
- Mod_rewrite Apache module (for permalinks which are required to be set to “Post Name”)
- Open SSL PHP extension for encryption
- (optional) An SSL certificate if you choose to install any direct payment gateways
- (optional) Some plugins for WPESignature require SOAP
- E-Signature pages should be excluded from caching to help prevent document signing errors
You should also check WordPress’ minimum requirements.
WP E-Signature requires WordPress 5.3 minimum, though we recommend using the most up-to-date version of WordPress at all times. 😊