Adopting Your eSignature and eSign Contract

To adopt your signature and sign a document, click Sign Here to open the signature pop-up. 

Sign Here

You can choose to adopt your signature using the Drawn or Typed options. 

Drawn Signature
If you’d like to draw your signature, select Draw Signature and create your drawn signature by using a mouse, your finger, or a stylus. If you make a mistake, click Clear to reset the block and give it another shot. 

Typed Signature
Type your name into the text box and choose a font you like, using the Change Font button. When you’re ready, select Adopt & Sign to save your signature and return to the document.

After you select Adopt & Sign to legally adopt and save your custom digital signature, you will be prompted to select Agree & Sign.

If you don't select Agree & Sign, the document will remain unsigned until you do so. After signing, each signer will receive a PDF copy of the document via email for their records. The document owner and any CC'd users can also receive a confirmation email with access to the signed PDF.