How to CC Someone on a Document with WP E-Signature
The CC Users add-on is an easy way to invite another party to view the signing process and access the final copy of a signed document.
To set up this feature, navigate to E-Signature > Add-ons > find WP E-Signature - CC Users > Enable.
Basic Document
If you would like to CC someone to receive confirmation emails on a basic document, create your document per usual by navigating to E-Signature > Add New Document > Basic Document.
You will be prompted to type in the name and email of your regular document signer(s) on this screen. To add a CC’d user, select + CC button > add the user's name and email in the field that pops up > Next Step.
Stand Alone Document
If you would like to CC someone on a new stand alone document, create your document by navigating to E-Signature > Add New Document > Stand Alone.
After adding your title and content, you have the opportunity to configure your Document Options.
Check the “+CC (Carbon copy) Recipients (when this document is successfully Signed)” option and a pop-up will collect the CC’d users' information from you.
To CC someone on a stand alone document that is already published, visit E-Signature > My Documents > Stand alone document folder > find your document > Edit > scroll down to the Document Options > check + CC recipients > add your desired party > Publish.
Email Notifications
In either scenario, when you send out the document for signature, your CC’d recipient will receive two different emails.
The first email notifies them that they have been CC’d on a document and that they will receive a notification with access to the document once it has been signed.
The second email informs them that the document has been signed and closed, and gives the CC’d user access to the signed PDF.
To continue troubleshooting, check out the rest of our support page here.