While we wish we could give WPESignature away for free, it costs money to pay our team of developers, quality assurance engineers, journalists, content strategists, managers, designers, webmasters, accountants, attorneys, SEO and marketing team… and to keep the lights on. 😊

It’s for this reason that we have a licensing system inside of the platform. By offering licenses, we at ApproveMe can invest back into the product so that YOU, the customer, can get the absolute most out of your purchase!

What WP Remote GET/POST does:

WP Remote GET/POST connects with the Approveme.com server for Terms of Use and to perform behind the scenes licensing verification (read more about our privacy policy here).

WP Remote GET/POST is also how we notify you when updates are available and how you can download updates for our plugins to your website.

To learn more about properly setting up and configuring the WP Remote GET/POST function, you can read this helpful article: