How to Perform Manual Updates
In certain scenarios, you may need to manually update WP E-Signature or WP E-Signature add-ons. Follow the instructions below to complete these manual updates.
Take a backup of your site
This is an important first step and protects you in case you encounter any errors in this process.
Download plugin files
1. Log into your profile.
2. Download the zip files for WP E-Signature and / or WP E-Signature add-ons. If you were provided different plugin files in your support conversation, skip this step.
Delete your old versions of the plugins (without losing documents)
1. Log into WordPress.
2. If you are deleting the WP E-Signature core plugin, visit E-Signature > Settings > Customization> scroll to the bottom of the page > make sure the Danger Zone option is NOT CHECKED.

3. Visit Plugins > find WP E-Signature and / or WP E-Signature add-ons > Deactivate > Delete.
Install and activate your new plugin files
1. Visit Plugins > Add New > Upload > select the zip file for WP E-Signature you downloaded earlier > Install > Activate.
2. After that, you’re walked through a set-up tutorial where you save your settings.
3. Repeat for WP E-Signature add-ons if applicable.
Additional Notes
You can identify the current version numbers for WP E-Signature and WP E-Signature add-ons, and download them at any time by logging into your profile.
If you are currently running older versions of the plugin or add-ons, be sure to deactivate and delete those before installing the updated versions. (If you don’t you’ll likely get a message that says “the destination folder already exists”.)
Saving your settings is the default functionality of the plugin. To be safe, make sure that you have not placed a checkmark in the Danger Zone checkbox of the E-Signature > Customization tab. It is also a good practice to back up your entire site for extra peace of mind.